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How much money is in Search?


"How much money is in Search? Why is everybody after Search? Why is OpenAi probably releasing Search in the next days/weeks? Why is Perplexity gaining so much attention?

Because everybody wants the money that Google is making. In normal circumstances, there is no way Google could be overtaken. Big technology shift happens once in a couple of decades. The opportunity presents itself there in a very short window. Either someone grabs it, or Google fills the space again in a short while. Think of the Formula 1 race: Your chance to overtake is only by bold & risky bets at the corners.

""Attention is all you need"" - that was the name of the landmark research paper that established the entire LLM advancement recently. The OpenAi-moment would not be there without this research.

Same is true for Google, the king of the internet: ""Attention is all they've got"". Your attention is making them money.

In Q1 2024 alone, Google amassed $61 Billions from Search & Advertising alone!

And that is the only big thing that is profitable. The rest of the Google bets are losing money.

It's fair to say that advertising money is fueling the internet today. (The Web2 specifically. Web3 is still too small as of today, but this is another big topic).

A look at the earnings of the big techs like Google & Microsoft explains it all, why everyone is rushing to overtake Google at the corners. Just like the wormhole in space, the Ai Search window is opening for a very short while. You either get through, or you don't.

That's why the attention to the new search technologies that OpenAi or Perplexity are pitching. Dozens of Billions valuation even for a Search+LLM wrapper."

How much money is in Search?


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