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KPMG: Modernizing payments


Global perspectives from financial and retail executives on payment modernization strategies and trends



🔵🔴🟢 Groundbreaking Insights on GLOBAL PAYMENT MODERNIZATION
A Comprehensive Study of 1,500 Financial Institutions & Retailers
Across Major Markets by KPMG

🔸 93% of financial institutions and 87% of retailers are modernizing
their payment systems or planning to do so within 6-8 months.

🔸 Financial institutions investing $18M on average with 36 dedicated staff.

🔸 Retailers committing $4.1M with 23 team members for modernization.

🔸 E-commerce boom: By 2025, 61% of total retail sales in #AsiaPacific
will be online.

🔸 In #NorthAmerica, e-commerce will represent 26% of total retail sales.

🔸 86% of UK financial institutions have modernization programs underway,
with $18.4M average investments.

🔸 #China's financial market accounts for 33% (3.6T)ofthetotal3.6T) of the total 9.9T #ASPAC market.

🔸 In #Europe, 59% of retailers cite changing customer expectations
as the top driver for payment modernization; 50% focus on cost reduction.

🔸 Real-time payments: 67% of #Japanese financial institutions prioritize
faster transactions.

🔸 Digital wallets: 95% of e-commerce retailers offer or plan to offer them.

🔸 Security focus: 52% of #ASPAC financial institutions see it as a key benefit.

🔸 Cost efficiency: 64% of #UK retailers cite cost reduction as a key driver.

🔸 Cross-border payments: 49% of #German financial institutions prioritize
faster transactions.

🔸 Customer experience: 69% of #French retailers see it as their top benefit.

🔸 #Australia’s FIs investing $17.7M on average, with 70% citing cost
reduction as a primary goal.


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