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Session, Cookie, JWT, Token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0 Explained in One Diagram


"How to hire the best people:

Hiring is never an easy task.

But if you want the “best”…

You must know what the “best” looks like.

They have a broad set of skills and attributes that contribute to high performance.

For example did you know that: 58% of workplace success across various jobs is attributed to emotional intelligence.

So, emotional intelligence is pretty important, right?

However, high performance is actually the result of a combination of various traits.

Here are a few:

  1. Is Self-Motivated

→ Sets clear, challenging objectives.

→ Genuine love for what they do, driving their dedication.

→ Makes things happen instead of waiting around.

  1. Resilient

→ Sees failures as temporary and educational.

→ Handles pressure gracefully.

→ Adjusts strategies to suit changing conditions.

  1. Curious

→ Always looking to know more and understand deeper.

→ Actively seeks out advice and criticism to improve.

→ Isn’t afraid to try new methods or paths.

  1. Gets Stuff Done

→ Dependable in completing tasks.

→ Thorough and meticulous with their work.

→ Continues working hard, even through challenges.

  1. Has Team Spirit

→ Excels in working with others.

→ Great at sharing ideas and listening.

→ Helps and uplifts colleagues.

  1. Is Self-Aware

→ Knows their strengths, weaknesses, and emotional triggers.

→ Regularly reflects on their behavior and performance.

→ Manages their own emotions effectively in various situations.

  1. Shows empathy

→ Can put themselves in others' shoes.

→ Shows genuine concern for the feelings and well-being of others.

→ Actively responds to the emotional cues of others.

  1. Excellent Communicator

→ Conveys ideas and information clearly and succinctly.

→ Effectively persuades and influences others.

→ Pays close attention to what others say and responds thoughtfully.

Start considering these when looking to hire someone.

It may be the “best” hire you’ve made. "

Session, Cookie, JWT, Token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0 Explained in One Diagram


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